Detective Conan the total of 2 episodes were broadcast daily in top ten anime
The twelfth season of the Case Closed anime. Meitantei Conan(aka Case Closed), is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama. It was serialized in Shogakukan's Shōnen Sunday on January 19, 1994, and has been collected into 95 tankōbon volumes as of December 18, 2019. Due to legal problems with the name Detective Conan, the English language releases from Funimation and Viz were renamed to Case Closed. The story follows an amateur detective who was transformed into a child while investigating a mysterious organization and solves a multitude of cases while impersonating his friend's father and other characters£ Detective Conan(aka Case Closed), is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama. It was serialized in Shogakukan's Shōnen Sunday on January 19, 1994, and has been collected into 95 tankōbon volumes as of December 18, 2019. Due to legal problems with the name Detective Conan, the English language releases fr